Why We Offer These Retreats
The most important way to deepen our relationship with The True Presence of Christ is recognizing and ackowledging him through His Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. A Passionist nun once said, "Believing is a choice not a feeling." This can often make it difficult in establishing that deep intimate union with him in His True Presence as the enemy is constantly throwing arrows of doubt and disbelief in what our physical eyes see. We offer a retreat based upon True Witness expeirienced through a lifetime of struggling to believe and unceasing prayer to the Lord to believe. God answered that prayer in amazaing ways and continues to foster a deeper and more intimate relathionship with him as time goes on. In order to deepen our relationship with The True Presence of Christ, we need to be intentional about spending time with him in Eucharistic Adoration by first recognizing and acknowledging His Real Presence: head to toe, finger tip to finger tip, body blood, soul and divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It truly is the "source and summit" of the Catholic faith and is affirmed by Christ himself in sacred scripture: The Bread of Life Discours, John 6. Once we truly recognize and acknowledge Jesus' Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, we can then have a more intimate and meaningful relatshionship with him in our daily lives as we then learn and become better equipped to recognize those spiritual movements becasue we are listening to The Good Shepherd's voice better. His counsel is perfect in very way and leads to great a life a great peace you cannot find anywhere else, even in the midst of life's storms. These retreats are never the same twice, as the Lord is always working in a different area in our lives growing in virtue and holiness with the goal to enter into heaven at the end of our life. Eternity is a really long time to spend with someone that loves us so much he died on a cross and conitues to show great humility every day by being present in what looks like a piece of bread or cup of wine. That's alot of love for an omnipotent God.